Timer Instructions - Woods Wion Wi-Fi Outlet





Manual Instructions


1a. (Follow if previously setup) Totally close out if app. Unplug Wion timer and press and hold button on front while you plug it back into the outlet without releasing the button for about 5 seconds until the blinking blue light turns off. Release button and blinking blue light will reappear. This is normal. You have now performed a factory reset on your timer.

1b. (Follow if this is the 1st time setting up) Download “Woods Wion” App from Appstore or Playstore, but DO NOT open yet….

2. Open Wifi Settings on your phone
3. Connect to a device named “ECO—(with numbers)” that shows up in your wifi device list on your phone. If you don’t see this device, unplug black Wion timer from the outlet and transformer and bring it inside close to your router. You can do all the programming indoors and then return the timer to where the transformer is located.
4. Once connected, open Wion app
5. Follow instructions and wait for the “white” screen to locate your personal router.
6. Once you see your router, connect to it
7. Fill out zipcode (this is how your device knows daylight savings time)
8. Name device. Ie: front lights, back lights, outdoor lights, landscape lighting, etc (whatever you want to call it or use to tell Alexa to turn on/off lights)
9. Enter your personal wifi password and then click “Join” or “Done”
10. When looking at black Wion device, the blinking blue light should turn solid blue confirming the connection. If you get an error here, the password entered is incorrect 
11. App should say “Congratulations” and bring you into app
12. After the initial setup and initializing, your named device should show up with a power button and a cloud beside it. Tapping this button should turn your system on and off manually. 
13. Select “Timer” at the bottom of the App and hit the “+” sign to add a program. 1st choose “Astronomic” and set “On” to “Sunset”. Off to sunrise, everyday. This is a Dusk to Dawn setting. Hit the check mark to save the program.
14. If you’d like to set an exact time to turn off, you need to keep the 1st program and add an overlapping program by hitting the “+” again and adding a “Programmable” timer. Set the “Off” time 1st and the set the “On” Time 1 minute before the “Off” Time. Hit the check mark to save the program.
15. You should be all set at this time.


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