Custom Landscape Lighting on Birkhaven Neighborhood home, Summerfield, NC 27358
Custom Landscape Lighting on Birkhaven Neighborhood home, Summerfield, NC 27358

The Southern Lights crews has spent a lot of time in the Birkhaven Neighborhood installing custom landscape lighting systems. These clients completed a custom build home including all the bells and whistles. They spend a lot of time outdoors and wanted their outside to be as inviting and custom as their inside of the home.
Phase I, included illuminating the front of the home’s architecture. The goal was to properly illuminate the front elevation of the home and potentially add onto the system down the road at a later date. Phase I looked so great, phase II was added at the end of phase I. Once our clients experience great outdoor custom landscape lighting, the need to expand throughout the property is inevitable.
During the design phase, Southern Lights provides the road map and detailed lighting designs for our clients, capturing beautiful settings at night, creating the most ideal landscape lighting effects.
Like many things there is a right and a wrong way of doing things. Lighting is no different. Although many of the homes in the Birkhaven neighborhood already have landscape lighting, the attention and focus of the landscape lighting isn’t always accurate or thought all the way through. Improper lighting and placement of fixtures can bring attention to an area where lower level lighting is required or bring your eye to an area that takes away from the overall lighting design. Our landscape lighting design focus was to capture the full architectural elements of the front and sides of the home, helping it to standout at night, but also providing a sense of balance.
Highlighting the eaves and soffits properly was important on this home to capture the detail of the home. Architectural custom landscape lighting was also installed along the driveway and garage side of the home that was clearly overly dark. This side of the home was added after the initial project was completed once our client’s realized the impact of custom landscape lighting. The garage and side elevations of the home are, but many times overlooked on the lighting designs of many contractors. A garage may not be the main focus of a home, but it is a main area for security as this is usually the main entrance into a home. A new sense of security was added to this beautiful home by simply illuminating the area with accent lighting, not harsh flood lights or lamp posts that tend to washout an area removing all of the detail in a lighting design.
Feeling secure after hours without the need to blast floodlights all the time was important to this couple. Southern Lights was able to provide both the security the owner’s needed to feel on their property, and the serenity desired for a subtle accent lighting on the front and side of this home’s facade. Less bugs and light pollution with a better lighting effect.
When talking with our clients, Southern Lights always tries to listen for what’s most important from our client’s perspective. In this case and in our company motto of (Safety. Security. SERENITY), All three of these focuses played an equal role in these lighting designs:
- Safety lighting was needed to address the elevation changes throughout the property and along the long winding driveway.
- Security lighting was needed to help illuminate a very dark back and side yard and keep intruders out.
- SERENITY lighting is always needed to give the space and property a clean and natural design during evening hours. Tying the function with the beauty is always our goal.
- Architectural Lighting on Front, Side, and Garage Elevations of Home
- Elevation Changes at Steps and Walkways
- Garage Doors
- Dormers
This custom LED lighting design and installation can be found in the Birkhaven neighborhood, Summerfield, NC 27358.
Ideal landscape lighting should evoke Safety. Security. SERENITY and should always start with a design. A custom built home, needs a custom landscape lighting design and installation. Southern Lights
These clients realized early on that this property and landscape really needed the full attention of an expert landscape lighting designer. Allowing Southern Lights the ability to be creative with the lighting design and to have some freedom of fixture selection and location, proved to be a great decision.
- 100% LED Lighting
- Up Lighting
- Wash Lighting
- Down Lighting
- Grazing
- Cross Lighting
Designing an ideal landscape lighting system takes planning. Getting light to the right place takes some skill and time to coordinate installing wire to the desired fixture location.
This landscape is fairly mature, so getting fixtures where they needed to be for the right lighting effect, didn’t line up with the existing plant material. Southern Lights needed to add some extension riser poles to raise the height of the fixture in order to get the right effect. A night time visit was necessary to fine tune this lighting design as well. The upper eaves of this home also created a few installation intricacies. Again a riser pole was necessary and custom gutter mounts were utilized. Custom recessed can lights were also utilized over the garage doors to help bring illumination around the side of the house grazing the doors and spilling into the driveway. Keeping the plant material properly pruned will be an ongoing maintenance need for these clients to keep the lighting design in tact for years to come and to reduce unnatural shadows on the architecture. This client ultimately trusted Southern Lights with the lighting designs allowing us to provide them with the most ideal landscape lighting effect with the best lighting fixtures for the space and structures. We think it turned out pretty awesome.
Located in Summerfield, NC Southern Lights of NC: Outdoor Lighting and Audio serves clients properties and property management companies throughout the state of NC including Greensboro, High Point, Jamestown, Burlington, Reidsville, Oak Ridge, Brown Summit, Winston-Salem, Clemmons, Raleigh, Charlotte, Kannapolis, Salisbury, Gastonia, Matthews, etc.
Southern Lights has installed hundreds of outdoor landscape lighting systems and carries more certifications than anyone in the state. We specialize in lighting designs and service everything we install as well as lighting systems installed by others.
With attention to detail and a solid knowledge of design, Southern Lights is the leading outdoor landscape lighting firm in the state of NC and beyond. See why our clients choose the most ideal landscape lighting company Greensboro, NC. Contact us today by web (online form) or phone 336-451-4969.
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Approximate Investment:
Call 336-451-4969
Designed & Installed:
1 day
Lighting Designs Include:
- Phased Lighting Design
- 100% LED Lamps
- Spot / Bullets Lights Uplighting Architecture
- Provide adequate light for safety at elevation changes
- Provide control system for clients to remote into
- Design System For Future Growth
- 20+ Years Experience
- Wire Management
- “Leave No Trace” Installation
- Installation of Fixtures in Trees
- Automation Integration
- Scene Selection
- “See the Effect, Not the Fixture” -Pete Bryant